When you put weight on the ball of your foot, do you feel like you're stepping on a pebble? This type of pain is often referred to as metatarsalgia. It's an inflammation and irritation of the tissues around your metatarsal bones. Metatarsalgia has several possible causes and is typically treatable. Read on to learn more!
Causes of Metatarsalgia
One of the most common causes of metatarsalgia, or the feeling of stepping on a stone, is a condition called Morton's neuroma.
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Because you are constantly walking, running, and standing, you will most likely experience some slight discomfort and pain in the foot and heal. Unfortunately, the tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot, connecting the heel to the toes can become inflamed over time. This condition is known as plantar fasciitis. Even though it affects around 10 percent of the population, most people are not familiar with this condition. This guide will help you understand the causes and treatment options for plantar fasciitis.
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People trip and fall every day, causing broken feet or toes. People also stub their toes everyday, on everything from the bare ground to pieces of furniture or any other object that is close to or sitting on the ground. Broken toes can be extremely painful and cause severe big toe joint pain. While most are told there is nothing that can be done about a broken toe, so to ignore it; it is a good idea to get in to see the podiatrist to rule out larger problems they can treat you for.
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If you're having any sort of issues with your feet, you may be thinking about seeing a professional to get their help and advice. Many people choose to visit a podiatrist when they're experiencing trouble with their heels or feet. Others choose to make sure nothing is wrong before they get more active. A professional may be able to help you with your needs and concerns, too. Keep reading to better understand why you may want to visit a podiatrist.
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Having surgery to correct a foot injury, even if the procedure is minor, can be a hassle. While the outcome might be enticing, you probably aren't in favor of the idea of having to stay off your foot for a period of time, which may include the use of crutches. If possible, it's often ideal to do what you can to avoid foot surgery, and a podiatrist can be a valuable ally in this effort.
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