Working Out Without Injuring Your Feet Or Ankles

If you have just started to work out and you have been pretty inactive up until this point, then it's important for you to be careful. If you don't approach your new exercise routine cautiously then you can end up injuring a foot or an ankle. You can also cause other conditions to occur that can be painful and require lengthy treatment. A few conditions you can end up with include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and shin splints. Here are some precautions you should take to avoid injuries and other foot, ankle and lower leg conditions:

Always work out in shoes

Even if you are exercising at home, it is important for you to make sure you are wearing shoes. Even walking on a treadmill barefoot can put you at risk of injury or developing one of the possible conditions that can be painful and cause you to take time off to heal up from. Not only should you wear shoes every time you are working out, but you should be wearing athletic shoes so you know your feet and ankles are being supported properly.

Don't use outdated workout equipment

Technology advances and we learn more things as time goes on. The workout equipment used years ago may not be advisable today. This is why you want to stay away from purchasing very old equipment from yard sales, estate sales or thrift stores. Another way for you to know that you are using up-to-date workout equipment is to join a local gym. The gym will also allow you to get a complete workout where all of your body areas are catered to. You can even join a gym that has a pool, a sauna, and a masseuse that can help you loosen up after a good workout.

Don't walk or run on a hard surface

Walking or running on a very hard surface can be bad for you. It can cause a variety of problems such as stress fractures, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and more. If you are going to do these activities then its best for you to do so on a treadmill or on a softer surface like a dirt track. You should also start out walking and/or running at short lengths and then adding more time as you get stronger and in better shape. This way, you won't be putting more stress on your lower limbs than they can handle at the moment.

